If you love packing up the car and heading off with the family, there are a few items that you should never leave home without. Whether you are heading away for two days or planning a longer trip it is important to be prepared with the essential equipment so that you enjoy your trip and can get out of trouble when you need to.

So what are the must haves for your next family trip?

First Aid Kit

Your top priority should be safety, so a first aid kit is the first thing you should pack. It is important to store your first aid kit in an easily accessible place so that you always know where it is and can grab it in a hurry. It is also a good idea to add in more band aids and items that you are likely to consume more regularly.


It is important to have a good quality tent that is waterproof and preferably lightweight. It isn’t much fun trying to keep the family happy in a leaking, cramped tent.


Depending on the length of your trip and your budget, you should never leave home without a trusty fridge or esky. The size of fridge or esky will depend on the size of your family, amount of space in your vehicle, as well as the food you will be taking with you camping. If you don’t have a fridge, it might be worth investing in one as it will definitely eliminate the hassle of having to top up an esky with ice each day.

Cooking Gear & Cutlery

When it comes to packing your cooking gear and cutlery, try to plan your meals and only pack what you need. Some vital items that should be packed include; a camping stove, frypan, saucepan, cutlery, plates, cups, paper towels, etc. Cooking equipment will vary depending on your needs so try to plan ahead and make sure that you don’t forget to pack plenty of fresh water.

Basic Vehicle Recovery Kit IF YOU’RE 4WHEELING

No-one ever plans on getting stuck, but the reality is even the best 4WDers need a hand every now and then. At the very minimum ensure that you have a snatch strap on board, along with a shovel. It is also important to check your tyre pressures (including your spare) before you set out on your trip. If you are planning a trip to a more remote region, you can also consider investing in a winch, air compressor and some maxtrax. This extra equipment will help you get out of trouble if there is no-one else around to help you out.

The list of camping equipment and gear available is endless, just remember to think about what you need and try to plan as much as you can before leaving home. This way you will be more efficient in the items you take with you and hopefully won’t forget any of the essentials. There is, however; one thing you can never have too much of – toilet paper, so make sure you pack plenty and throw an extra roll in the 4WD before setting off – just in case.

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